Sunday, October 24, 2010

"Nightmares" by Vells

125/365, originally uploaded by KatieOak.
I have nightmares
Battles bury me
Fiends are glancing over
I see bad dreams
Coming true for me
Ways to normal closed now
I have nightmares
Suite with orders poised
Warsome tools stand waiting
I see bad dreams
Done by telephone
One madman says, "now please"

There is a time
When everything goes
There is a place
Where nobody knows you

I have nightmares
Cars are tumbling
Sky is dark and early

I see bad dreams
So much jealousy
Fills the heart with hatred
I have nightmares
Air as still as death
All the voices stifled
I have nightmares
No more music plays
What's been done's eternal

There is a light
Shines from our minds
But darkness comes
And there is no time to...

Let your light shine through

(I wanted to post a video or link but couldn't find it.  I suggest you download it and listen for best results)

1 comment:

.hillsy.heart. said...

I posted these song lyrics because I had a weird dream last night. The kind that make you feel strange when you wake up. Adding to that, I just watched "Inception" and it sort of made matters worse.

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